Things that matter most are one's that last a lifetime!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Times have changed and with it ways of communication too,in the era of mobile phones,internet even the fax machines and landlines seem pretty outdated. While important documents are scanned and mailed as attachments, photos are shared across the web and chatting has become secondary to anyone who knows how to use the computer in the first place. Its the way forward they say,but in our quest to move ahead of our time I think we are leaving the emotions attached to the good old way of writing letters and posting it,behind.
The thrill of receiving a letter by post is still the same but most of us have lost the inspiration to write. If all these years away from home has taught me anything it is this that sheer communication alone can bridge distances.But even this,if not done from the heart has dire consequences.I love writing letters,coz at the end of the day what's heartfelt is there on paper with lots of grammatical error's and spelling mistakes that would make u want to go back to nursery school:).Yet instead of being worried about the above I go ahead and post it hoping that the sentiments alone are noticed.
From the time the letter is put in the post box till it is delivered there is an eager anticipation of its reaching the destination safe.Ofcourse once upon a time they were held in high regard coz they were the source of all news good and bad and the postman got the respect he deserved.Those who stay away from home in hostels look forward to meeting the postman at the doorstep with the just incase someone wrote look on their face :) The feelings conveyed through a letter are so real that makes anyone weak in the knees.
We need to take time out to write to people we care about,once we force ourselves to do it a couple of times it becomes a habit,a good one.A letter conveys through words,emotions that are heartfelt.
…Lasting impressions! A snapshot of a moment that would be frozen in time forever, that’s exactly how I refer to a photograph. What started out as a hobby became a passion and well although it is true that one is more beautiful in imagination I think a snap comes a close second. To capture good times with friends, family and loved ones man invented the camera that rid’s him the convenience of forgetting and remembering old faces and new at will.
While most of us want to look our best in a snap, doing up the hair or putting on some make up or straightening the shirt at the end of it all the photographer wants is just a smile :) and we all can give him that cant we? But yes I would agree with most of you taking a passport size snap is a painful experience where we have to force ourselves to smile so next time you go for one go with a friend! The smile comes out better.
In the age of digital camera’s the 35mm seems to hold its own and I frankly prefer good old films where the whole thrill of developing and printing and more so waiting to receive the same still sends a rush through me. My loved ones and friends look more beautiful and going through them I relive the experience, which needless to say brings about a smile on my face.
We all have some wonderful experiences in our lives, we visit new places, meet new friends, have some fun times with the old ones, are witnesses to something strange, try something new, look our best at a school reunion, cherish a family visit, hugging a loved one, the first step of a newborn, see nature in all its glory etc and although all these images would last forever in our mind, they become blur and tend to fade away with time and when we want to share it with our near and dear in words so few, we find it a little difficult. A photograph makes our lives so much easier in such times and all we had to do to relive the experience was to smile when we were asked to, or correct me was it “say cheese” :)
Movies, where dreams meet reality and we shed all logic to be entertained or lost in another world for an hour or more. What a tough job it is to try and please so many people all over the world, yet a few prominent dreamers are able to do it repeatedly. Although most of the time credit only goes to the actors involved I think it’s the directors who should take the cake as they manage to light up the screen with a dream he once had.
There have been some wonderful movies from time immemorial some of them were appreciated and received a lot of accolades while the others stuck around and heard praises from the critics themselves but whatever be the case movies were made year after year with the sole purpose of entertaining you. So many characters so many movies and there is always a chance that one resembled your personality and you are thrilled beyond words when someone came up and said that it reminded them of you :) The talented actors who play the character to near perfection and manage to give a breath taking performance time and again. The beautiful places where the movies are shot at, that makes you believe you are living it. The whole experience of watching a movie either alone, with friends or a loved one is something that some of us like to do so often and never get bored of it. I am a complete movie buff, I watch over 300 odd movies a year and I like them all cause I know the director and artist and all involved have made it with the intention of entertaining us, Nobody wants to make a bad movie, they all make it with the belief that it would appeal to the masses. But some of us just are not interested at that point of time to watch something that beats all logic :) We are all dreamers within and when we go to watch a movie we just want to be lost, forget all logic and enjoy someone else’s dream. I think its an awesome profession to be making cinema and hats off to everyone involved in trying to make one persons dream a reality for everyone to watch and admire.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder and sometimes wander too, how many times we have heard that over the years? Missing is in fact one of my favorite emotion, when I miss someone I get to think all the wonderful things about that person and what would it feel like having them around at that moment. But how many of us do get about calling them or letting them know that you are thinking about them and you miss them?
There are many an occasion when the person would be sitting right beside you and you would miss them, you feel so distant from them like they were miles away and although it is a loved one we feel embarrassed if not shy to let them know. We tend to do quite a few crazy things when we miss someone, lost in our thoughts, our own world we often cry feeling the want and need of that someone at that particular moment even if it is just for a few minutes just to see their face or just to hear them laugh or tell you that they love you or hold your hands and walk for a while or more so just to give you that big wonderful hug :)
I have never curbed myself from letting someone know that I miss them, why should I? Well most of my friends say it makes you more vulnerable to hurt and pain letting someone know that you care about them so much and I would reply saying what if I don’t get another chance to let them know. I have been away from home and loved ones for a long time now and while there are many a person I miss when I am at sea I find it extremely satisfying to let them know I do. It keeps me sane out there J really! What’s worse is the missing gets worse when I am due to meet that person I really have been dying to meet. Say I am to meet a loved one a few hours from now and I am on my way, hitching a ride with me are lotsa expectations and all those pent up feelings since we last met and as we get closer to actually meeting each other the emotions get the better of you and you miss them even more J Its weird really, but I have never fought my emotions, I have listened to them most of the time, ofcourse it has got me into trouble too but no matter what is heartfelt is to be let known.
Softly the leaves of memory fall, Slowly ill gather and pick them all, Coz today tomorrow and till my life is through, It could mean the world for someone when you say, “I miss you”
....Keep falling on my head....And so the song goes,just one of the few songs inspired by well,Rain :) We all have our rainy day stories to share,it would either be with a friend just cycling across town or on you way to work on a Monday morning and then the heavens open up soaking you head to toe.But whatever be the case beyond a point you just don't care about getting wet and just enjoy the whole ordeal of being drenched.
Its a fun thing to do,ofcourse I have had some wild stares conveying do you know how old you are?are you out of your mind?Why are you spoiling those kids?Someone's going to be in bed ill tomorrow,and I just acknowledge them all with a smile which says come join me:) I love the rain,be it the noise on the window panes,while driving and the wipers go swoosh,while walking and there are puddles which people avoid and I just gladly hop into,be it at sea when there seems to be enough water on the planet but hey the skies think otherwise.
The immediate post rain session being lovely and romantic and sometimes a rainbow makes the scene complete.The plants and trees seem to have a shine when it has just showered and the flowers bloom like they just gained a new lease of life :) The only Rains I am not too fond off are the ones in London/Scotland,well they don't get you drenched that's why :) but yes they have a charm of its own.
I guess the rains are natures way of saying hey guys have a blast the shower is on the house :)
Every street,every corner has a memory attached to it and that's one of the reasons why home is where the heart is.Some of us are born and brought up in a neighborhood that remains home forever,while we travel around the world the only place we would love to come back to is home.Nothing beats the feeling of being back in a place where every thing looks familiar and even the new leaf on a branch of a favorite tree is noticed.
The secure feeling that a home gives is one that is acquired over time and no other place ever can take its place.Your loved ones,friends,neighbor's they all recognize you and they manage to point out the slightest change in appearance or behavior and it makes you realize that you were actually noticed as you were growing up :)
The schools,colleges where you once studied become a memory ground where walking through corridors or classrooms or auditoriums can send you back reeling into a childhood well spent :) The desk you sat at where once you might have etched your name on it with a compass is starting to fade away and a momentary feeling of doing it all over again so that it lasts another few years.The tree that sheltered you on most days during lunch still stands for others to use.The staff rooms of teachers by which you would have always avoided fear of being called in.Wow,no wonder we all miss our schooling years!
Over the weekend I had visited my home town,a place where I just love going back to,with a friend on every street and the weather as heavenly as ever.While the town itself holds a special place in my heart there are these few streets that I will always remember till the end of time.These streets have homes of friends who I have grown up with and have shared the better half of my life.The city holds more in terms of memory and well wishers than one imagines which remains one of the sole reasons to keep going back!
We all have a wonderful retreat we call home,Some of us find it only when we travel to another place and feel like a misfit around there.To appreciate the value of a home I guess we have to imagine or dread what it would be like to not have one.The comfort and warmth a home provides is not worth losing over the best job that takes you across the world.Since love is all that we yearn for in the world today it would be apt to say Home is where love was found for one and all.